Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Coffee Anyone?

Interesting story, I am sitting here at Novo Coffee only to find myself sipping on a raspberry mocha, surrounded by some of my best friends, enjoying the dialogue happening between two older ladies, sitting only a couple of tables away from us. These ladies were talking about men that they have dated, or are dating(please keep in mind they are probably in their 60's). Sort of interesting hearing a couple of ladies such as themselves discussing such a thing.

Besides that, I always love coming to Novo, because I always find someone I know. Just today I moseyed my way into Novo with my close friend Chris, only to find some other great people; Sean, Lance, and Rachel sitting their doing homework, blogging, and learning Spanish. Shortly upon arriving, our friend Tommy trudged in, followed by Sammy Jo, Danielle, and Miles.
Funny how that works out =].

Well I shall leave you with the moral of this story...Always come into Novo with friends, especially when there are old ladies discussing dating.


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