Monday, September 29, 2008

Too tired to sleep.

Hey guys, I am sorry I haven't been around in a while. Lately I have thought things have gotten better, but they have done the inverse. As my life is now inverted. I have picked up a lot of responsibility, in an attempt to avoid my home life. Yet for some reason, it still feels so empty. I am basically between getting kicked out of my house, and choosing to move out. Which doesn't make sense to me (I'm not that horrible am I?). Needless to say this is a crossroads, and my hope is too one day move past these and move into what I was created to be...

1 comment:

George said...

Colin! Hey man, we all reach our cross roads at some point in time in our lives, and you will certainly face more throughout your life. This is the most difficult time in your life so far, but it is also where you can choose how to define yourself. Look at this as an opportunity to meditate on who you want to be and how you want to become that person.

You'll be fine, buddy
